Those who fast during Ramadan need to start their day with something that fills and is sustainable to keep them walking until Iftar – time to break fasting. This is why Suhoor (food consumed in the morning) is very important. The body releases energy throughout the day, the speed at which depends on the activity assigned, and during the fasting period, it is important to consume food that releases energy slowly and steadily to maintain the body’s energy level.
These are 10 healthy foods to eat in Suhoor which will keep you excited throughout the day:
1. Date
High dates of fiber and various vitamins; They are known to increase energy when calming hunger, which makes them good to start and break fasting. They also help curved sweet cravings by providing natural sugar and they are really delicious.
Is it a good date for Sehri?
Date is a good way to break the fast because it provides natural sugar for energy, minerals such as potassium, copper, and manganese and is a source of fiber.
2. Oat

Oats fuel body with a healthy carbohydrate and fiber drive, slowly release energy throughout the day. Depending on your preferences, they can be eaten as hot porridge with milk or water, or as a mixture of wheat last night with a choice of biry and beans to fix easy breakfast.
Can you eat oatmeal for Suhoor?
This wheat powerhouse provides sustainable energy thanks to complex carbohydrates and fiber. Add nuts, seeds, or drizzle of honey for extra taste and nutrition.
3. Eggs

Eggs are a great source of protein and essential vitamins. They are also packed with iron and zinc which will help increase energy and immunity when fasting. Ask your eggs to be boiled, boiled, scrambled or in an omelette and keep yourself full longer throughout the day.
Can I eat eggs after fasting?
Often is the right choice for breaking the fast. The eggs are solid nutritional, high protein, and easily digested, making it suitable for restoring energy and providing important nutrients.
3. Avocado

Avocados are located in the heart of the perfect Guacamole and they provide nutrition and healthy fats that make your appetite more full. They can be eaten very simply with a piece of whole wheat bread, maybe adding eggs to make food a little healthier. You can eat it in a healthy breakfast salad, or plain with a little salt and pepper to be seasoned.
5. Quinoa

Said ‘Keen-wah’, this is one of the health foods that has a little moment, emerged in a healthy recipe left and right and middle. And there is a reason for it, because this grain is very good for you: it is low in calories, high in fibre and it can be either as a savory dish, or something as a combined agent.
How do I cook Quinoa?
Quinoa is ideally cooked so that it is smooth and a little chewy, not crispy or soft. When prepared correctly, every seed must be soft with a little bit of bite for it. The cooking process usually involves flushing quinoa to remove natural layers (saponins), then boil it in water or broth until it absorbs liquid.
6. Fruit

Fruits are full of natural sugar, fiber and vitamins; They are a good way to turn on a bowl of porridge or a bowl of cereals and they are perfect for those who have a few sweet teeth. Berry, Banana, Apple – Make a simple fruit salad, stir with plain yogurt, or your favorite fruit blender becomes a smoothie breakfast with a sprinkling of wheat for the choice of Suhour that fills.
7. Yogurt

Packed with protein, calcium and vitamins, yogurt is no-brainer when your body needs a lot of nutrients in one way. There are certain types of yogurt that contain ‘living and active culture’ – healthy microorganisms that are proven to do a miracle for your intestines and digestive systems. Many yogurt also contains probiotics, which are good for the immune system – other health improvements when your body is in fasting mode. Choose Greek yogurt, or organic varieties that are not packed with sugar.
8. Nuts and butter beans

Beans are a great source of fat, a healthy type of fat. Almonds and walnuts are a good choice for use – Choose fresh varieties and sprinkle on your porridge, or chew a few dried fruit, which will also put fiber into your food. The energy of the beans will be released slowly throughout the day, which is why they must play a key role in your Suhoor routine.
9. Vegetables

Many of us will struggle to face a plate of vegetables so early in the morning, but they are packed with vitamins and fibre, so why not mix them into an omelette, or even blend them into a breakfast smoothie. You often find carrots, kale, and spinach in ‘Smoothie Superfood’, so why not try to add it to you?
10. whole wheat

Choose wheat bread on white bread if possible; This is a much healthier choice and will make you full longer. This is also a fantastic source of fiber to keep your digestive system under control and completes many different breakfast choices, whether it’s eggs on toast, or peanut butter sandwiches that you have chosen. It adds bulk, in a healthy way.
WATER. This one is given to the Suhour people who must have, but many people do not drink enough items, whether fasting or not. Hydration is very important to keep your body healthy and your cells function. Water helps give energy to your muscles and keep the skin healthy; This helps kidney function and maintain healthy intestines to mention names but some benefits. It is recommended that fasting drinks at least two glasses of water in Suhoor minimum.
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